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Пн-Пт 9:00 - 21:00

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courierTariffPriority = $courierTariffPriority; $this->pickupTariffPriority = $pickupTariffPriority; $this->account = $account ?: false; $this->key = $key ?: false; } /** * @param array $courierTariffPriority * @param array $pickupTariffPriority * @param string|bool $account * @param string|bool $key * @return static */ public static function factory($courierTariffPriority, $pickupTariffPriority, $account, $key) { return new self($courierTariffPriority, $pickupTariffPriority, $account, $key); } /** * @param string|null $type * @return array - all or concrete tariffs priority * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function getTariffPriority($type = self::COURIER_TARIFF_PRIORITY) { if (!\in_array($type, array(self::COURIER_TARIFF_PRIORITY, self::PICKUP_TARIFF_PRIORITY), true)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown tariff type {$type}"); } return $type === self::COURIER_TARIFF_PRIORITY ? $this->courierTariffPriority : $this->pickupTariffPriority; } /** * @return bool */ public function hasCredentials() { return $this->account && $this->key; } /** * @return bool|string */ public function getAccount() { return $this->account; } /** * @return bool|string */ public function getKey() { return $this->key; } } /** base actions class */ abstract class BaseAction { /** * @var Controller $controller */ protected $controller; /** * BaseAction constructor. * @param Controller $controller */ public function __construct(Controller $controller) { $this->controller = $controller; } /** * @return array|mixed result data for response */ abstract public function run(); /** * @param string $url * @param array|string|bool $data * @param bool $rawRequest * @return array */ protected function sendCurlRequest($url, $data = false, $rawRequest = false) { if (!\function_exists('curl_init')) { return array('error' => 'No php CURL-library installed on server'); } $curlOptions = array( CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE ); if ($rawRequest) { $curlOptions[CURLOPT_POST] = FALSE; $curlOptions[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array('Content-type: application/json'); } if ($data) { $curlOptions += array( CURLOPT_POST => TRUE, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data, CURLOPT_REFERER => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], ); } $ch = \curl_init(); \curl_setopt_array($ch, $curlOptions); $result = \curl_exec($ch); $code = \curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); \curl_close($ch); return array( 'code' => $code, 'result' => $result ); } } /** pvz */ class PickupAction extends BaseAction { /** * @return array|string[] */ public function run() { if (!\function_exists('simplexml_load_string')) { return array('error' => 'No php simplexml-library installed on server'); } $langPart = $this->controller->getRequestValue('lang') ? '&lang=' . $this->controller->getRequestValue('lang') : ''; $request = $this->sendCurlRequest('' . $langPart); if ($request && $request['code'] === 200) { $xml = \simplexml_load_string($request['result']); $arList = array('PVZ' => array(), 'CITY' => array(), 'REGIONS' => array(), 'CITYFULL' => array(), 'COUNTRIES' => array()); foreach ($xml as $key => $val) { if (($country = $this->controller->getRequestValue('country')) && $country !== 'all' && ((string)$val['CountryName'] !== $country)) { continue; } $cityCode = (string)$val['CityCode']; $type = 'PVZ'; $city = (string)$val['City']; if (strpos($city, '(') !== false) { $city = \trim(\mb_substr($city, 0, \strpos($city, '('))); } if (strpos($city, ',') !== false) { $city = \trim(\mb_substr($city, 0, \strpos($city, ','))); } $code = (string)$val['Code']; $arList[$type][$cityCode][$code] = array( 'Name' => (string)$val['Name'], 'WorkTime' => (string)$val['WorkTime'], 'Address' => (string)$val['Address'], 'Phone' => (string)$val['Phone'], 'Note' => (string)$val['Note'], 'cX' => (string)$val['coordX'], 'cY' => (string)$val['coordY'], 'Dressing' => ((string)$val['IsDressingRoom'] === 'true'), 'Cash' => ((string)$val['HaveCashless'] === 'true'), 'Postamat' => (\strtolower($val['Type']) === 'postamat'), 'Station' => (string)$val['NearestStation'], 'Site' => (string)$val['Site'], 'Metro' => (string)$val['MetroStation'], 'AddressComment' => (string)$val['AddressComment'], 'CityCode' => (string)$val['CityCode'], ); if ($val->WeightLimit) { $arList[$type][$cityCode][$code]['WeightLim'] = array( 'MIN' => (float)$val->WeightLimit['WeightMin'], 'MAX' => (float)$val->WeightLimit['WeightMax'] ); } $arImgs = array(); foreach ($val->OfficeImage as $img) { if (strpos($_tmpUrl = (string)$img['url'], 'http') === false) { continue; } $arImgs[] = (string)$img['url']; } if (\count($arImgs = \array_filter($arImgs))) { $arList[$type][$cityCode][$code]['Picture'] = $arImgs; } if ($val->OfficeHowGo) { $arList[$type][$cityCode][$code]['Path'] = (string)$val->OfficeHowGo['url']; } if (!\array_key_exists($cityCode, $arList['CITY'])) { $arList['CITY'][$cityCode] = $city; $arList['CITYREG'][$cityCode] = (int)$val['RegionCode']; $arList['REGIONSMAP'][(int)$val['RegionCode']][] = (int)$cityCode; $arList['CITYFULL'][$cityCode] = $val['CountryName'] . ' ' . $val['RegionName'] . ' ' . $city; $arList['REGIONS'][$cityCode] = \implode(', ', \array_filter(array((string)$val['RegionName'], (string)$val['CountryName']))); } } \krsort($arList['PVZ']); return array('pvz' => $arList); } if ($request) { return array('error' => 'Wrong answer code from server : ' . $request['code']); } return array('error' => 'Some error PVZ'); } } /** address, city, etc */ class AddressAction extends BaseAction { /** * @param array $data (optional) * @return array|string[] */ public function run($data = array()) { if ($city = $this->controller->getRequestValue( 'city', $this->controller->getValue($data, 'city') ) ) { return $this->getCityByName($city); } if ($address = $this->controller->getRequestValue( 'address', $this->controller->getValue($data, 'address') ) ) { return $this->getCityByAddress($address); } return array('error' => 'No city to search given'); } /** * @param string $name * @param bool $single * @return array|string[] */ protected function getCityByName($name, $single = true) { $arReturn = array(); $result = $this->sendCurlRequest( '' . \urlencode($name) ); if ($result && $result['code'] == 200) { $result = json_decode($result['result']); if (!isset($result->geonames)) { $arReturn = array('error' => 'No cities found'); } else { if ($single) { $arReturn = array( 'id' => $result->geonames[0]->id, 'city' => $result->geonames[0]->cityName, 'region' => $result->geonames[0]->regionName, 'country' => $result->geonames[0]->countryName ); } else { $arReturn['cities'] = array(); foreach ($result->geonames as $city) { $arReturn['cities'][] = array( 'id' => $city->id, 'city' => $city->cityName, 'region' => $city->regionName, 'country' => $city->countryName ); } } } } else { $arReturn = array('error' => 'Wrong answer code from server : ' . $result['code']); } return $arReturn; } public function getCityByAddress($address) { $arReturn = array(); $arStages = array('country' => false, 'region' => false, 'subregion' => false); $arAddress = \explode(',', $address); $ind = 0; // finging country in address if (\in_array((string)$arAddress[0], $this->getCountries(), true)) { $arStages['country'] = \mb_strtolower(\trim($arAddress[0])); $ind++; } // finding region in address foreach ($this->getRegion() as $regionStr) { $search = \mb_strtolower(\trim($arAddress[$ind])); $indSearch = \strpos($search, $regionStr); if ($indSearch !== false) { if ($indSearch) { $arStages['region'] = \mb_substr($search, 0, \strpos($search, $regionStr)); } else { $arStages['region'] = \mb_substr($search, \mb_strlen($regionStr)); } $arStages['region'] = \trim($arStages['region']); $ind++; break; } } // finding subregions foreach ($this->getSubRegion() as $subRegionStr) { $search = \mb_strtolower(\trim($arAddress[$ind])); $indSearch = \strpos($search, $subRegionStr); if ($indSearch !== false) { if ($indSearch) { $arStages['subregion'] = \mb_substr($search, 0, \strpos($search, $subRegionStr)); } else { $arStages['subregion'] = \mb_substr($search, \mb_strlen($subRegionStr)); } $arStages['subregion'] = \trim($arStages['subregion']); $ind++; break; } } // finding city $cityName = trim($arAddress[$ind]); $cdekCity = $this->getCityByName($cityName, false); if (!empty($cdekCity['error'])) { foreach ($this->getCityDef() as $placeLbl) { $search = \str_replace('ё', 'е', \mb_strtolower(\trim($arAddress[$ind]))); $indSearch = \strpos($search, $placeLbl); if ($indSearch !== false) { if ($indSearch) { $search = \mb_substr($search, 0, \strpos($search, $placeLbl)); } else { $search = \mb_substr($search, \mb_strlen($placeLbl)); } $search = \trim($search); $cityName = $search; $cdekCity = $this->getCityByName($search, false); break; } } } if (!empty($cdekCity['error'])) { $arReturn['error'] = $cdekCity['error']; } else { if (\count($cdekCity['cities']) > 0) { $pretend = false; $arPretend = array(); // parseCountry if ($arStages['country']) { foreach ($cdekCity['cities'] as $arCity) { $possCountry = \mb_strtolower($arCity['country']); if (!$possCountry || \mb_stripos($arStages['country'], $possCountry) !== false) { $arPretend [] = $arCity; } } } else { $arPretend = $cdekCity['cities']; } // parseRegion if (!empty($arStages['region']) && (\count($arPretend) > 1)) { $_arPretend = array(); foreach ($arPretend as $arCity) { $possRegion = \str_replace($this->getRegion(), '', \mb_strtolower(\trim($arCity['region']))); $possRegion = \str_replace(' ', ' ', $possRegion); if (!$possRegion || \mb_stripos($possRegion, \str_replace($this->getRegion(), '', $arStages['region'])) !== false) { $_arPretend [] = $arCity; } } $arPretend = $_arPretend; } // parseSubRegion if (!empty($arStages['subregion']) && (\count($arPretend) > 1)) { $_arPretend = array(); foreach ($arPretend as $arCity) { $possSubRegion = \mb_strtolower($arCity['city']); if (!$possSubRegion || \mb_stripos($possSubRegion, $arStages['subregion']) !== false) { $_arPretend [] = $arCity; } } $arPretend = $_arPretend; } // parseUndefined // not full city name if (\count($arPretend) > 1) { $_arPretend = array(); foreach ($arPretend as $arCity) { if (\mb_stripos($arCity['city'], ',') === false) { $_arPretend [] = $arCity; } } $arPretend = $_arPretend; } if (\count($arPretend) > 1) { $_arPretend = array(); foreach ($arPretend as $arCity) { if (\mb_strlen($arCity['city']) === \mb_strlen($cityName)) { $_arPretend [] = $arCity; } } $arPretend = $_arPretend; } // federalCities if (\count($arPretend) > 1) { $_arPretend = array(); foreach ($arPretend as $arCity) { if ($arCity['city'] === $arCity['region']) { $_arPretend [] = $arCity; } } $arPretend = $_arPretend; } // end if (\count($arPretend) === 1) { $pretend = \array_pop($arPretend); } } else { $pretend = $cdekCity['cities'][0]; } if ($pretend) { $arReturn['city'] = $pretend; } else { $arReturn['error'] = 'Undefined city'; } } return $arReturn; } protected function getCountries() { return array('Россия', 'Беларусь', 'Армения', 'Казахстан', 'Киргизия', 'Молдова', 'Таджикистан', 'Узбекистан'); } protected function getRegion() { return array('автономная область', 'область', 'республика', 'респ.', 'автономный округ', 'округ', 'край', 'обл.'); } protected function getSubRegion() { return array('муниципальный район', 'район', 'городской округ'); } protected function getCityDef() { return array( 'поселок городского типа', 'населенный пункт', 'курортный поселок', 'дачный поселок', 'рабочий поселок', 'почтовое отделение', 'сельское поселение', 'ж/д станция', 'станция', 'городок', 'деревня', 'микрорайон', 'станица', 'хутор', 'аул', 'поселок', 'село', 'снт' ); } } /** calc delivery */ class CalculationAction extends BaseAction { /** * @return array|string[] */ public function run() { $shipment = $this->controller->getRequestValue('shipment', array()); if (empty($shipment['tariffList'])) { $shipment['tariffList'] = $this->controller->getSettings()->getTariffPriority($shipment['type']); } if (($ref = $this->controller->getValue($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER')) && !empty($ref)) { $shipment['ref'] = $ref; } if (empty($shipment['cityToId'])) { $cityTo = $this->sendToCity($shipment['cityTo']); if ($cityTo && $cityTo['code'] === 200) { $pretendents = \json_decode($cityTo['result']); if ($pretendents && isset($pretendents->geonames)) { $shipment['cityToId'] = $pretendents->geonames[0]->id; } } } if ($shipment['cityToId']) { $answer = $this->calculate($shipment); if ($answer) { $returnData = array( 'result' => $answer, 'type' => $shipment['type'], ); if ($shipment['timestamp']) { $returnData['timestamp'] = $shipment['timestamp']; } return $returnData; } } return array('error' => 'City to not found'); } protected function calculate($shipment) { if (empty($shipment['goods'])) { return array('error' => 'The dimensions of the goods are not defined'); } $headers = $this->getHeaders(); $arData = array( 'dateExecute' => $this->controller->getValue($headers, 'date'), 'version' => '1.0', 'authLogin' => $this->controller->getValue($headers, 'account'), 'secure' => $this->controller->getValue($headers, 'secure'), 'senderCityId' => $this->controller->getValue($shipment, 'cityFromId'), 'receiverCityId' => $this->controller->getValue($shipment, 'cityToId'), 'ref' => $this->controller->getValue($shipment, 'ref'), 'widget' => 1, 'currency' => $this->controller->getValue($shipment, 'currency', 'RUB'), ); if (!empty($shipment['tariffList'])) { foreach ($shipment['tariffList'] as $priority => $tariffId) { $tariffId = (int)$tariffId; $arData['tariffList'] [] = array( 'priority' => $priority + 1, 'id' => $tariffId ); } } $arData['goods'] = array(); foreach ($shipment['goods'] as $arGood) { $arData['goods'] [] = array( 'weight' => $arGood['weight'], 'length' => $arGood['length'], 'width' => $arGood['width'], 'height' => $arGood['height'] ); } $type = $this->controller->getValue($shipment, 'type'); $resultTariffs = $this->sendCurlRequest( '', \json_encode($arData), true ); if ($resultTariffs && $resultTariffs['code'] === 200) { if (!\is_null(\json_decode($resultTariffs['result'], false))) { $resultTariffs = \json_decode($resultTariffs['result'], true); $returnFirst = function ($array) { $first = reset($array); return $first['result']; }; if (!empty($type) && empty($arData['tariffId'])) { $tariffListSorted = $this->controller->getSettings()->getTariffPriority($type); $array_column = function ($array, $columnName) { return \array_map(function ($element) use ($columnName) { return $element[$columnName]; }, $array); }; $calcTariffs = \array_filter( $this->controller->getValue($resultTariffs, 'result', array()), function ($item) { return $item['status'] === true; } ) ?: array(); $calcTariffs = \array_combine($array_column($calcTariffs, 'tariffId'), $calcTariffs); foreach ($tariffListSorted as $tariffId) { if (\array_key_exists($tariffId, $calcTariffs)) { return $calcTariffs[$tariffId]['result']; } } return $returnFirst($calcTariffs); } return $returnFirst($resultTariffs); } return array('error' => 'Wrong server answer'); } return array('error' => 'Wrong answer code from server : ' . $resultTariffs['code']); } protected function sendToCity($city) { static $action; if (!$action) { $action = new AddressAction($this->controller); } return $action->run(array('city' => $city)); } protected function getHeaders() { $date = date('Y-m-d'); $headers = array( 'date' => $date ); $settings = $this->controller->getSettings(); if ($settings->hasCredentials()) { $headers = array( 'date' => $date, 'account' => $settings->getAccount(), 'secure' => md5($date . "&" . $settings->getKey()) ); } return $headers; } } /** translate */ class I18nAction extends BaseAction { /** * @return array with translations */ public function run() { return array('LANG' => $this->controller->getValue( $translate = array( 'rus' => array( 'YOURCITY' => 'Ваш город', 'COURIER' => 'Курьер', 'PICKUP' => 'Самовывоз', 'TERM' => 'Срок', 'PRICE' => 'Стоимость', 'DAY' => 'дн.', 'RUB' => ' руб.', 'KZT' => 'KZT', 'USD' => 'USD', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'CNY' => 'CNY', 'BYN' => 'BYN', 'UAH' => 'UAH', 'KGS' => 'KGS', 'AMD' => 'AMD', 'TRY' => 'TRY', 'THB' => 'THB', 'KRW' => 'KRW', 'AED' => 'AED', 'UZS' => 'UZS', 'MNT' => 'MNT', 'NODELIV' => 'Нет доставки', 'CITYSEARCH' => 'Поиск города', 'ALL' => 'Все', 'PVZ' => 'Пункты выдачи', 'POSTOMAT' => 'Постаматы', 'MOSCOW' => 'Москва', 'RUSSIA' => 'Россия', 'COUNTING' => 'Идет расчет', 'NO_AVAIL' => 'Нет доступных способов доставки', 'CHOOSE_TYPE_AVAIL' => 'Выберите способ доставки', 'CHOOSE_OTHER_CITY' => 'Выберите другой населенный пункт', 'TYPE_ADDRESS' => 'Уточните адрес', 'TYPE_ADDRESS_HERE' => 'Введите адрес доставки', 'L_ADDRESS' => 'Адрес пункта выдачи заказов', 'L_TIME' => 'Время работы', 'L_WAY' => 'Как к нам проехать', 'L_CHOOSE' => 'Выбрать', 'H_LIST' => 'Список пунктов выдачи заказов', 'H_PROFILE' => 'Способ доставки', 'H_CASH' => 'Расчет картой', 'H_DRESS' => 'С примеркой', 'H_POSTAMAT' => 'Постаматы СДЭК', 'H_SUPPORT' => 'Служба поддержки', 'H_QUESTIONS' => 'Если у вас есть вопросы, можете
задать их нашим специалистам', 'ADDRESS_WRONG' => 'Невозможно определить выбранное местоположение. Уточните адрес из выпадающего списка в адресной строке.', 'ADDRESS_ANOTHER' => 'Ознакомьтесь с новыми условиями доставки для выбранного местоположения.' ), 'eng' => array( 'YOURCITY' => 'Your city', 'COURIER' => 'Courier', 'PICKUP' => 'Pickup', 'TERM' => 'Term', 'PRICE' => 'Price', 'DAY' => 'days', 'RUB' => 'RUB', 'KZT' => 'KZT', 'USD' => 'USD', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'CNY' => 'CNY', 'BYN' => 'BYN', 'UAH' => 'UAH', 'KGS' => 'KGS', 'AMD' => 'AMD', 'TRY' => 'TRY', 'THB' => 'THB', 'KRW' => 'KRW', 'AED' => 'AED', 'UZS' => 'UZS', 'MNT' => 'MNT', 'NODELIV' => 'Not delivery', 'CITYSEARCH' => 'Search for a city', 'ALL' => 'All', 'PVZ' => 'Points of self-delivery', 'POSTOMAT' => 'Postamats', 'MOSCOW' => 'Moscow', 'RUSSIA' => 'Russia', 'COUNTING' => 'Calculation', 'NO_AVAIL' => 'No shipping methods available', 'CHOOSE_TYPE_AVAIL' => 'Choose a shipping method', 'CHOOSE_OTHER_CITY' => 'Choose another location', 'TYPE_ADDRESS' => 'Specify the address', 'TYPE_ADDRESS_HERE' => 'Enter the delivery address', 'L_ADDRESS' => 'Adress of self-delivery', 'L_TIME' => 'Working hours', 'L_WAY' => 'How to get to us', 'L_CHOOSE' => 'Choose', 'H_LIST' => 'List of self-delivery', 'H_PROFILE' => 'Shipping method', 'H_CASH' => 'Payment by card', 'H_DRESS' => 'Dressing room', 'H_POSTAMAT' => 'Postamats CDEK', 'H_SUPPORT' => 'Support', 'H_QUESTIONS' => 'If you have any questions,
you can ask them to our specialists', 'ADDRESS_WRONG' => 'Impossible to define address. Please, recheck the address.', 'ADDRESS_ANOTHER' => 'Read the new terms and conditions.' ) ), $this->controller->getRequestValue('lang', 'rus'), $translate['rus'] )); } } /** all other actions */ class UnknownAction extends BaseAction { /** * @return string */ public function run() { return 'unknownAction'; } } /** */ class Controller { /** * @var array $request */ private $request; /** * @var array $response */ private $response; /** * @var Settings $settings */ private $settings; /** * Entrypoint * @param Settings $settings */ public static function processRequest(Settings $settings) { $self = new self($settings); $self->toResponse( $self->getAction() ->run() ); echo \json_encode($self->response ?: false); } /** * @param array|mixed $data * @return void */ public function toResponse($data) { if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array('info' => $data); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($key === 'error') { if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->response)) { $this->response[$key] = array(); } $this->response[$key][] = $value; } else { $this->response[$key] = $value; } } } /** * @param array $fromArray * @param string|int $key * @param mixed|null $default * @return mixed|null */ public function getValue($fromArray, $key, $default = null) { return isset($fromArray[$key]) ? $fromArray[$key] : $default; } /** * @param string|int $key * @param mixed|null $default * @return mixed|null */ public function getRequestValue($key, $default = null) { return $this->getValue($this->request, $key, $default); } /** * @return Settings */ public function getSettings() { return $this->settings; } /** * @return BaseAction concrete action implementation */ protected function getAction() { $actionName = $this->getRequestValue('isdek_action'); switch (true) { case $actionName === 'getPVZ': $action = new PickupAction($this); break; case $actionName === 'getCity': $action = new AddressAction($this); break; case $actionName === 'calc': $action = new CalculationAction($this); break; case $actionName === 'getLang': $action = new I18nAction($this); break; default: $action = new UnknownAction($this); } return $action; } /** * Controller constructor. * @param Settings $settings */ protected function __construct(Settings $settings) { $this->request = $this->getRequest(); $this->response = array(); $this->settings = $settings; } /** * @return array - one of $_REQUEST, $_POST, $_GET */ protected function getRequest() { $request = $_REQUEST; if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], array('GET', 'POST'))) { $request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' ? $_POST : $_GET; } return $request; } } }